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Forest Landscape Before and After Fire

How Fire Fuel Reduction Works

Whether from natural causes or arson, fires can get out of control and spread quickly. Fire fuel reduction decreases the amount or concentration of combustible material from sources near your home that can help a fire spread towards and into your house. To create a defensible space around your home, you must clear long grasses, brush, and dead or dying trees within a certain perimeter. You should then keep it clear to prevent fire fuel from accumulating.

Thin Out Overgrown Trees and Shrubs

When a tree or shrub is overgrown, a fire can quickly jump from it to the house. Thinning overgrown trees and shrubs reduces the amount of potential fuel for a fire. Doing this helps reduce the intensity of a fire and can slow its spread.

Remove Dead Wood

Fire spreads quickly on dead wood. Removing dead and decaying trees and logs from the property around your home helps reduce the fuel available for a fire. Fuel reduction can decrease the intensity of the fire and protect your home and family.

Cut a Fire Break around Your Property

A firebreak is another way to reduce fire fuel around your home. Creating a firebreak by removing trees and other combustible materials. This line of bare soil can drastically reduce the chance of a fire spreading.

Create a Defensible Space

A defensible space is created by clearing all combustible material around your home, including removing trees and shrubs close to your home. If the fire breaks through to your home, you can use the space above or below your house as a fire break to protect your property.

Use Fire-Resistant Plants

Fire-resistant plants reduce the flammability of the landscaping outside your home. If you want to take another step in reducing fire fuel, consider planting fire-resistant plants. This doesn’t mean you have to have a drab exterior. Ground covers like purple icebox and creeping phlox bring color and fire resistance. Some examples of fire-resistant shrubs include Oregon grape, butterfly bush, and lilacs. Using pea gravel or other non-flammable material instead of bark for mulch can also make your space more defensible.

Fire fuel reduction is crucial for anyone living in a fire-prone area. The steps above can help reduce the risk of a fire spreading and damaging your home. If you’re in Redmond, OR, and you need tree services, feel free to call 4 Brothers Tree Service. We can take the necessary steps to reduce the risk of a fire spreading to your home.

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