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Tree Blog

Broken tree limb from storm damage

Warning Signs That Indicate a Tree Is Ill

If you have a sick tree, you may not always be aware. Plus, some signs aren’t obvious to homeowners. The following signs indicate your tree is sick.

Leaves Turning Yellow

If you notice any leaves turning yellow and it is not autumn, your tree is lacking nutrients. Trees can become nutrient deficient when the soil becomes too acidic, when they lack the proper amount of minerals, or when they don’t have enough nitrogen. An arborist will assess the tree and prescribe a treatment plan that will restore your tree to good health.

Discolored Leaves

Discolored leaves are the result of a pest infestation. These discolored spots on leaves can be caused by clusters of insects, bacterial diseases, or fungal infections.

Branches That Are Dead or Dying

Dead or dying branches are a sign that the tree is in poor health. A variety of factors can cause branches to die, such as pests or disease. Trees that grow too old are also incapable of distributing enough food to support the entire structure. An arborist will determine if tree trimming or removal is needed.

Holes in Leaves

If you notice that the tree’s leaves have holes or jagged edges, insects are feasting on them. Often, a tree with an insect infestation can be saved provided it receives the proper treatment. Treatments include sprays or tree injections.

Fuzzy Spots on Bark and Leaves

If there are fuzzy spots on bark or leaves, this indicates a fungal infection. Sooty mold or powdery mildew are the most common type of fungal infections that infest trees, though there are numerous others. An arborist can diagnose the type of fungus present and provide the treatment necessary for eradicating it. While there are many DIY remedies on the internet for treating tree fungus, you shouldn’t use them because they may not be as effective as professional solutions. Often, DIY treatments can make the problem worse because the fungus may not be properly addressed and thus will continue to grow.

Leaning Tree

Trees will lean when their root systems are compromised or there are problems with the trunk. If you notice a leaning tree in your yard, you need to get help quickly to potentially save the tree and remove any dangers the tree can pose if it should fall.

Wilting Leaves

Leaves are a tree’s way of harvesting food and turning it into energy. If leaves are wilting, trees will not be able to receive the nutrients they need to thrive, thus they will suffer. There are a variety of reasons leaves wilt, and these include heat stress, disease, or waterlogged soil. Seek help as soon as you notice leaves are wilting to ensure the best outcome.

Trees can live long lives provided they receive the proper care. If you notice any signs your tree is sick and you reside in Redmond, OR, contact 4 Brothers Tree Service for tree removal and other tree care services.

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