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Tree Blog

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Save Your Business Money With Commercial Tree Care

Incorporating trees and other plants into your company’s property can create an attractive and welcoming atmosphere. However, someone has to take care of them to ensure they add to the aesthetic rather than detracting from it. There are multiple ways that investing in commercial tree care can be a major way to save money in the long and short term.

It Can Help Prevent Potential Lawsuits

All it takes is one seemingly healthy branch to crack off and land on someone walking underneath it at just the wrong time. Arborists are highly skilled at determining what branches need cutting, even if they currently seem perfectly fine. The most important thing is making sure no one gets hurt. If a tree branch on your property injures someone, your business could be risking a serious lawsuit.

It Lets You Catch Problems in Their Early Stages

It can be challenging to determine when trees on your commercial property are in the early stages of issues like an invasion by bugs. Fortunately, this is a no-brainer for an arborist looking at the same tree. The sooner you catch problems starting with the trees on your commercial property, the less expensive it will be to fix the problem as opposed to letting it become a widespread issue.

It Can Help Prevent Costly Repairs

Just as a branch can break off and injure a person walking underneath, it’s possible for one to crash down onto your building. This can be especially costly if it penetrates the roof while it’s raining. Having tree branches trimmed back from your commercial property can help prevent costly repairs before they have a chance to skyrocket to an exorbitant amount.

It Lets You Keep Your Trees Healthy

You typically have a lot less to worry about with commercial property when the trees on it are in good condition. Having arborists check the current state of your trees during regular landscaping services can help keep them as healthy as possible, so they continue to look lovely and stay strong. Ailing trees require treatments and various other types of care to get them back to a stellar condition. If they become too sick, they’re at risk for having to be felled and removed, adding another potentially costly expense to the bill.

Hiring a commercial tree service isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s also about helping your business save money, even as a preemptive measure. Contact our team at 4 Brothers Tree Service for commercial tree service to keep your trees in Redmond, OR healthy and beautiful.

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