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Tree Blog

Lifting platform used to inspect trees

Here’s How Commercial Tree Services Save Business Owners Lots of Money

Running a business in Redmond, OR means facing a great many challenges. One of the most important is keeping your commercial property in good shape. Many local business owners have trees on their property to provide shade and make the location look even more appealing to potential customers. Keeping your property’s trees looking their best creates an ideal first impression that draws patrons in, and working with our expert arborists at 4 Brothers Tree Service helps you stick to a budget.

Safety First

Your customers want to feel safe when coming to your place of business. That’s why you need to ensure your trees do not have any kind of indications that might make a client think twice about stopping by. Dangling branches that look as if they are about to fall can scare off clients and make your employees feel wary. Trees that are not pruned properly can make it harder for patrons to enter your office. Our commercial tree service is designed for the needs of all businesses no matter how large or small they may be. We’re conscientious at all times, and we know how to get any job you have mind done quickly and in accordance with state safety standards.

Avoiding Lawsuits

All property owners, including those who own commercial property, are required to keep their premises safe for all occupants and visitors at all times. If the property is not maintained safely, there may be serious financial consequences. Should a stray branch fall on top of a client and hurt them, that client can sue the business owner for damages. The same is true of a client’s property. If a branch falls on top of the client’s car and damages it in some way, a business owner can be held liable for any resulting problems. Head off this dilemma by leaving the care of your property’s trees to our skilled arborists.

Future Plans

Many business owners have lots of future plans for expansion. If you are planning to add on to your existing business structure or you are buying a vacant lot, you need the services of a professional arborist. Commercial tree services can clear out any unhealthy trees from your property before construction begins. Experts in tree care can also make certain any trees you plan to put on your site are planted correctly from the start. That will save you money by ensuring any new trees that you have purchased for your campus are going to thrive.

If you are in need of any tree services for your business in Redmond, now is the right time to speak with us. Contact our experts at 4 Brothers Tree Service, and we’ll show you exactly how to save money.

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